

In 1939, brother Lester Wilson from Stratford, Ontario, Canada, conducted an extensive Gospel campaign in Greensboro, NC through tent meetings conducted nightly for several weeks. As a result, a number of people were saved. In addition to these gospel meetings, Lester spent time discipling these new believers, teaching them the Word of God, and explaining to them the beauty of meeting according to the pattern found in the New Testament.


By September of 1940 an assembly of about 30 believers started meeting and breaking bread together. They purchased a chapel building on Forest Ave in Greensboro and named it Forest Avenue Tabernacle. The assembly continued to grow as they added a Sunday School and continued to reach out into the community to share the Gospel of Christ.

Being burdened to start works in other cities in the South, Lester solicited the help of another Canadian brother, Harold G. Mackay. Harold, or H.G., followed the Lord’s leading to Greensboro and began shepherding this assembly of believers. He would go on to shepherd this work for over 50 years.


By 1963, the work here had outgrown the facility on Forest Avenue and purchased a 5 acre tract of land on West Vandalia Rd. Construction was completed in 1967 and the assembly moved to it’s new location, Shannon Hills Chapel.


A strong gathering of believers still meets today at Shannon Hills Bible Chapel. Many things have changed over the years, but we still strive to meet in the simplicity of the New Testament pattern.

“And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.” Acts 2:42